The value of an option depends on its strike, the stock price, the time to maturity, the stock volatility, and the interest rate.
For example, the Black-Scholes formulas are formulas for the value of European options in terms of these inputs.
Derivatives of the option value with respect to the inputs are called Greeks.
Derivative in the stock price is delta (\(\Delta\))
Second derivative in the stock price is gamma (\(\Gamma\))
Derivative in interest rate is rho (\(\rho\))
Minus derivative in time to maturity is theta (\(\Theta\))
Derivative in volatility is vega (\(\mathcal{V}\))
Definition of delta mirrors binomial model:
\[\frac{\text{difference in option values}}{\text{difference in stock values}} \sim \frac{d \,\text{option value}}{d \,\text{stock value}}\]
Black-Scholes call delta = \(e^{-qT}N(d_1)\)
Black-Scholes put delta = \(-e^{-qT}N(-d_1)\)
Replication and hedging
Delta is a replication ratio. The replicating portfolio is a hedge for someone who has written the option.
To replicate a call,
invest value of call and buy delta shares of the stock, using your investment and borrowing the rest
To replicate a put,
invest value of put and short \(|\text{delta}|\) shares, investing proceeds plus your investment at risk-free rate
Call option and replicating portfolio
Put option and replicating portfolio
Gamma is how much the delta changes when the stock price changes.
Notice option value lies above replicating portfolio. This is called convexity. More convexity \(\Leftrightarrow\) higher gamma.
If you write an option and hedge with the replicating portfolio, you will be “short gamma” or “short convexity.” You will lose if there is a big change in the stock price.
Offsetting this possibility is the fact that you win from time decay (theta).
Theta and vega
Theta \(<0\) because option values fall as time passes, holding everything else constant.
Vega \(>0\) because option values rise when volatility increases
Volatility risk (exposure to changing volatility) is very important in options trading, though volatility is assumed to be constant in the Black-Scholes model.