Current Predictions

Kerry Back

Current feature values

  • Some of the GHZ predictors are updated daily in a SQL database on a Rice server.
  • We can use them to update predictions daily.
  • You must be on the Rice network to access the database.
    • On campus on the Rice Owls wifi network (not Rice Visitor)
    • Or using the Rice VPN

Retrain, dump, and load

  • Retrain your model using all months in the CloudClusters database.
  • A scikit-learn model or pipeline can be saved with
from joblib import dump
dump(pipe, "mypipe.joblib")
  • Then it can later be loaded with
from joblib import load
pipe = load("mypipe.joblib")

Get current features from Rice database

import pandas as pd
import pymssql
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

server = ''
database = 'stocks'
username = 'stocks'
password = '6LAZH1'
string = "mssql+pymssql://" + username + ":" + password + "@" + server + "/" + database 
conn = create_engine(string).connect()

df = pd.read_sql("select * from ghz", conn)
df = df.dropna().set_index("ticker")


Apply any cross-sectional transformations to the entire dataframe. E.g., change

def qt_df(d):
    x = qt.fit_transform(d)
    return pd.DataFrame(x, columns=d.columns, index=d.index)

df[features] = df.groupby("date", group_keys=False)[features].apply(qt_df)


df[features] = qt.fit_transform(df[features])


Define industries using:

inds = pd.read_csv("files/siccodes12.csv", index_col="industry")

def industry(sic):
    return inds[(inds.start<=sic)&(sic<=inds.end)].index[0]
    return "Other"

df["industry"] =


Use the loaded model (or pipeline) and the current features (possibly including industry) to make predictions as

df["predict"] = pipe.predict(df[features])